I believe that the environmental care is a topic that one has installed in our society, but there is a lot to do, and for this all we do to cooperate with a little grain of sand.
For example for a time my showers are many mas short and the trips inside my city I do them in bicycle, beside being a good exercise, it takes care to the planet, Also I take part in groups of cleanliness of roads and about the rivers, have an ecological bag to go shopping to the supermarket and to the fair.
I believe that it is a duty of all realizing small works that reach to the care of our environment and sometimes with small acts that do not affect our daily way of life big changes can be realized, also the policies of government have to overcoat rewards to the private sector the initiatives that are destined to take care of the environment.
For a long time I was employed at the group of “Guias y scout Cardenal Cardo” of Buin expensive about 7 year. There I learned many things that helped me to have another way of life.
I believe that I have helped to be aware on this topic but even it is absent much for making and to teach the children and girls is our labor.
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